Client: Solidere s.a.l. Consultants:
Dar Al-Handasah Shair & Partners
Project completed in 1999
Mouawad-EddeÌ has executed under the supervision of Dar Al Handassah (Shair and Partners), the works of the Infrastructure of a Beirut Central District, Phase I within the period from 19/01/1995 to 30/12/1999. Period extended for force majeure and archeological finding interruptions.
The works comprised of:
Roads, bridges and underpasses with finishings and supporting electro- mechanical services, culverts and networks for water, stormwater, sewage and civil works for electro-mechanical utilities, in addition to miscellaneous works including a pumping station, retaining walls, shoring and support systems, an irrigation pumping station and related network in addition to dredging, reclamation fill and rock protection.
The subject works as aforesaid have been timely and satisfactorily completed in conformity with the technical specifications and requirements.
- 21km of roads (width varying from 7m to 40 m) including excavation backfilling, asphalting, curbs, marking, highway signing and traffic signals.
- Three underpasses in reinforced and prestressed concrete spanning between 10.50m and 40.00m (excavation, structural, finishing and electrical works).
- 1.5km of tunnels cut and cover in reinforced concrete (excavation, structural, finishing, mechanical & electrical works).
- Bridges of multiple bays and double voided and one interchange with three levels, spanning between 8.00 and 15.00m and a total length of 770m (excavation, structural in reinforced and prestressed concrete, finishing & electrical works).
Marine works (dredging, reclamation, rock armour and protection wall and related miscellaneous works).
Sewerage pumping station, irrigation pumping station, oil separator chamber, three electrical substations and 8,00km of culverts in reinforced concrete (side weir box culvert, electrical culverts and stormwater culverts).
New environmental works to all BCD: sewerage (23.3km of pipes), stormwater (17.9km of pipes), water supply (26.2km of pipes) and irrigation (37.0km of pipes) networks.
Several retaining walls in reinforced concrete.
Retaining works (Piling, shoring to excavations, shotcrete...). Electrical works for all structural works and roads including civil works for telephone cables network, cable TV network and electrical networks (high voltage 66KV, medium voltage 33KV and low voltage) including street lighting network and traffic light system for the Central District.
Mechanical works for tunnels, sewerage pumping station, irrigation pumping station and electrical box culverts including fans, control, pumps, boosters, valves, fire hose cabinets, fire extinguisher, fittings...